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Chinese translation for "hasty pudding"


Related Translations:
hasty:  adj.1.急速的。2.性急的,急躁的。3.仓促的;轻率的。短语和例子a hasty conclusion 草率的结论。
pudding:  n.1.布丁〔西餐中一种甜点心〕;〔比喻〕物质的报酬。2.香肠。3.【航海】(由帆布等制成的护船用的)船尾碰垫。4.(窃贼给狗吃的)毒肝(等)。5.〔美卑〕侥幸。短语和例子The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 布丁好坏,一尝便知〔谚语〕。 Indian pudding 玉米布丁。 more praise than puddin
blood pudding:  血肠。
tottenham pudding:  〔俚语〕(用厨房废料做成的)猪饲料。
milk pudding:  牛奶布丁。
pudding head:  笨人,蠢货。
pudding face:  扁圆呆板的脸。
black pudding:  血(香)肠。
pudding headed:  adj.愚笨的,蠢的。
custard pudding:  乳蛋布丁。
Example Sentences:
1.Stap my vitals , said he , them was always the sentiments of honest frank costello which i was bred up most particular to honour thy father and thy mother that had the best hand to a rolypoly or a hasty pudding as you ever see what i always looks back on with a loving heart
“谨以吾之生命发誓, ”彼曰, “诚实的弗兰克科斯特洛自幼被教以格外孝敬父母186 。家母擅长做果酱布丁卷与麦片糊,吾一向对她怀有敬爱之心。 ”
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